Juiced Digital provided customized SEO consulting services to optimize Forklift Academy site for search engine friendliness. At the end of our campaign, 693 targeted keywords ranked #1 of Google results. These rankings are accurate as of July 6, 2019 and may not reflect current rankings as Google’s results are fluid. Nonetheless, close to 75% of Campaign keywords have consistently performed well, ranking within the top 5 search results.
Below are a few examples of top-ranking keywords we have helped Forklift Academy achieve:
#1 for “Forklift Training” with 33,000 monthly searches
#2 for ‘Forklift Training” with 14,200 monthly searches
#3 for ‘Forklift Certification” with 18,200 monthly searches

Forklift Academy saw a 17X increase in organic traffic between the implementation of our strategy in April 2015 to July 2019. Leveraging in-depth keyword research into Forklift Academy metadata, we helped drive organic search traffic to the website. Our strategy created multiple entry points for search engines to crawl the site’s pages, which ultimately resulted in a 35X increase in the value of organic traffic.

Conversion Rates
Juiced Digital was able to increase the conversion rates higher than industry averages across a number of highly targeted keywords through work with client and web developer to optimize.